Buy metro last light pc
Buy metro last light pc

All of the weapons have been hobbled together from spare parts and leftovers, and you will find seemingly limitless variations of certain guns as you progress. For my play-through I used the Xbox 360 controller, and I found myself quickly turning up the look sensitivity, though sadly to no avail: Last Light maintains a comparatively low look-speed to keep that feeling of edginess and tension. Gunplay is well-handled, feeling tight and precise. These guys are ravenous and totally insatiable – think Left 4 Dead’s zombies with four legs and you’ll be somewhere close. The surface is also where you will run into all manner of grizzly-looking mutants, all of which bear some resemblance to the animals they mutated from. Sorties to the surface introduce their own challenges: the gift of an abundance of sunlight comes with the trade-off of devastating radiation levels, leaving the people of Moscow with no choice but to wear full-face gas-masks You can only stay on the surface for so long, and once you run out of air filters you had better hope you’re close to finishing that section of the level. It’s not all about shooting and hiding, however, as a lot of the time you’ll be worrying about just breathing. Stealth tactics worked most of the time on human opposition, but became a complete no-no when facing off against mutants – of which there are literally thousands. Thankfully, Last Light makes stealth play an absolute joy, giving you a suit of options in any given situation so that you can tackle it as you see fit. You’ll need to use the ammo you have wisely, learning when to adopt stealthy tactics over all out frontal assaults on enemy strongholds. Indeed, “fat ammo” is the going currency in this subterranean world, and can be traded for useable ammo and equipment. Well, an arsenal might be pushing it a bit, as ammo comes at quite a premium in Last Light. Thankfully it’s just a video game, and so there’s an arsenal of weapons and tools at your disposal. If Dmitry Glukhovsky’s story ever came to fruition, most people would be dead within about 90 seconds. The world Artyom inhabits is a dark and terrifying place. The tutorial levels go on for some time, too, though they do a great job of showing you all of the basics – and you’ll need to pay attention as there is a lot to learn. Eventually, though, you are sent out on your first mission, which plays out like the standard FPS intro level. Those of you that have played the original Metro may find it interesting those of you that haven’t will simply have to stick with it, as it starts with such a stutter that some will be put off altogether. Last Light starts with a lengthy sequence of dialogue and character introduction that probably goes on for a little too long. You could call it a first-person survival horror if you wanted to, but what you really have here is a straight-up shooter with all the other stuff added in for good measure.

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Artyom sets out on a mission to avert civil war, all the while seeking that elusive Dark One.ĤA Games’ sequel seems to want to defy classification, touching on several gaming genres and subgenres all at once. While out looking for the creature, however, Artyom is captured, and it’s through the ensuing chain of events that he uncovers a plot of communist leaders to get hold of a powerful doomsday device hidden in the vaults of D6. Artyom is sent by his commander to seek out the last remaining “Dark One”, a member of an alien species Artyom thought he had wiped out at the end of his last adventure. Last Light unfolds through the eyes of police ranger Artyom, the protagonist of 2033. Dangerous mutants stalk the tunnels and roam the surface, always on the lookout for a quick meal.

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The last remnants of human kind cling on to life here, at war with one another over what few resources remain. For the uninitiated, Metro takes place under the streets of a post-apocalyptic Moscow, predominantly in the tunnels and antechambers that make up the city’s underground train network.

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While the story wasn’t penned by Metro author Dmitry Glukhovsky, he has been working with the developers to bring us a story that doesn’t seem detached from the narrative of the original. Metro: Last Light brings us an all-new story from the dystopian world of author Dmitry Glukhovsky, taking place a year after the events of 2033. Thankfully, Deep Silver stepped in and picked up the rights to publish the title, to the relief of the original’s horde of fans. When THQ went belly-up, the much-anticipated sequel to Metro 2033 was, like all of THQ’s titles, in danger of being left by the wayside. Just think, we nearly didn’t get to play Metro: Last Light at all.

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