Useful configuration options (edit parasite.cfg in desktop mode or through the console): q, quit - quits the game (desktop only).Example: "cfg mapScale 0.3" will set map scale to 30% If ran without arguments, will show all config options available.
Dark parasite game windows#
Useful console commands (press to open console on top, works only when all windows are closed): Most of these will be locked until you progress further through the early game.
Player evolution unlocking new improvements and body features for the possessed hosts.
Robust host inventory, skills and knowledges system.Possession mechanics that is critical to the player survival (see, you just die very fast without a host).A single story scenario that starts with the main protagonist alone, scared and without any memories in a hostile human world.A whole generated modern-day city to explore and survive in.The game is fully completable to the finish but needs GUI work and polish. Currently in development, each session is set to be medium length (around 2-3 hours to complete). Parasite is a roguelike survival horror game about possession set in a modern-day setting.