Htc one m9 review camera
Htc one m9 review camera

htc one m9 review camera

Both photos are pretty solid, but the M9 ended up tinting the entire image a slightly yellowish color. The bright sunlight tripped up both phones a bit here - which is something that happens to some degree with almost every phone I test using this same shot - but the M9's image is far more washed out in general than the S6's composition. (Yes, these were taken mere seconds apart!) Just look at that lighting and the coloring. Part of that may be because its auto-HDR feature appears to have kicked in here, as the detail and lack of washing out in the sky suggest. Two reasonably respectable images, though the S6 continues to have a distinct upper edge. But when you look closely and compare it to the S6's image, it's still a meaningful step behind. The M9 definitely looks a lot better than before, though - look at the sky and the big green tree in particular - and in and of itself, its photo isn't half-bad. No visible change on the S6, since it was shooting with HDR automatically the first go-round in this case. The same shot, only with HDR mode manually set to "on" on both devices.

htc one m9 review camera

The M9's photo looks washed out in comparison - note the sky in particular - and shows a lot more detail loss when you zoom in and look closely at the full-res image.

htc one m9 review camera

#Htc one m9 review camera full#

A gorgeous shot from the S6, with lovely clarity and an impressive amount of detail even when you zoom in at full resolution (the full-res view is worth checking out on this one). Same deal: The S6 picture is crisp and full of light while the M9's, though not awful, is definitely a little murky-looking and inappropriately colored. Both images are reasonably decent, but the S6's photo looks sharper and more color-realistic while the M9's is a bit muddied in comparison - almost like it was taken with a layer of film over the lens. You can click on any image to view it in its full resolution.

  • All of the photos shown here are the original images captured by the phones, with no editing or modifications (aside from being scaled down to fit on this page).
  • As part of those default settings, the Galaxy S6 automatically activates HDR mode and night mode as needed the One M9 does not.
  • Except where noted, both phones were on their default camera settings - which are the settings the vast majority of people will use most of the time when taking photos.
  • I took two back-to-back photos with each phone to compensate for any incidental issues like my hand moving if I saw any difference between the two, I selected the better image to show here.
  • The photos in each of the following sets were taken seconds apart, with as close to identical framing and positioning as I could manage.
  • I took the two smartphones out into the world together to find out.

    Htc one m9 review camera